Thursday, September 17, 2015

I Witnessed The Jonas Evolution

Yeah. It's been quite a while since I've posted. This is our busy season at work and I've also taken on a bunch of new students. Anyway, on to the topic...

I DID witness what I like to call "The Jonas Evolution." We all remember the cute Disney boys back in 2005. These dudes:
They were adorable and all the young girls loved them. Fast forward to like 2007 or so when they started coming out with these totally INNOCENT lyrics in songs like "Burnin' Up," when they said "High heels, red dress, all by yourself, gotta catch my breath!"
Very clean, very family friendly, very Disney-appropriate. Today's generation's Hanson really. By the way, I LOVED the video for Burnin' Up, it was hilarious and chock full of celebrities (and of COURSE, Big Rob) (click link above to watch--VERY cute!)

The next era started in probably 2009 or so, when their "message" was quite clear to all. They wanted the world to know they were drug free, alcohol free, and totally abstinent and responsible, so much so that they constantly wore "purity rings."
The message was clear--"you can look, but you can't touch, and we will NOT drink, smoke or do drugs." Young girls everywhere rejoiced at having such fantastic (and TOTALLY HOT) role models who made great music that they loved. Nick also had his own following after writing "A Little Bit Longer"in 2008, where he lamented of his early days with juvenile diabetes (just finding out about it, having it change his life, etc.). The song made girls cry because the lyrics were so moving, and so many of those crying girls had juvenile diabetes themselves and could totally relate. The guys had also had their own show on the Disney Channel at this point, just called "Jonas," about 3 brothers in a band dealing with "normal" stuff like school and of course girls.

2009 was the year I first fell in love with these guys, though I had certainly witnessed everything leading up to this time (they were all over the TV and internet, being pop stars and all). Still "owned" by Disney, they released a sort of "themed" album, where all the songs had lyrics that eluded to the album's title "Lines, Vines and Trying Times." This was their fourth album as a group. The Lines, Vines and Trying Times were apparently pulled from their own lives, dealing with being popular, dealing with world issues, and dealing with lots of other things around that time. 2009 was a busy and crazy time for them all around. They had also come out with a new show on the Disney Channel called "Jonas L.A.," where again they dealt with the women in their lives and the complications caused by them. These guys were really beginning to grow up.
By 2011, they had gone their separate ways as a band (but definitely not as a family). Kevin had gotten married to Danielle, a girl he met on a family vacation several years before. They started their own TV show "Married to Jonas," and Joe recorded a solo album called "Fastlife." I enjoy several of the tracks from Fastlife, but it was VERY different from anything the brothers ever made. Nick also put together a band called Nick Jonas and the Administration, which is a hint at how his brothers always called him Mr. President because he was sorta the boss in their band, and there were hints of him running for actual United States president someday. I did enjoy Nick's new band as well. Their stuff was VERY different than Joe's, but I liked all of it.
Click this link to see my favorite Joe Jonas video, I LOVE this song!
Click this link to see my favorite Nick Jonas video
Notice how different they are? Not just in the music but even in the style of the video. But I enjoy both!

2013 comes along, and HEY! The Jonas Brothers (yes, the Jonas BROTHERS--back together?!) release a new single--and there is not a purity ring in sight!! In fact, there's half naked chicks and all sorts of sexual hints and messages in the video AND lyrics--"I want you on my team. Want you like a kid just wants a milkshake. And I won't let it go to waste if I get a taste I'm gonna drink the whole thing!" Whoa! Not Disney's boys anymore! But I LOVED "Pom Poms!" Yes, the marching band in the video was my favorite part, but oh my gosh, THE JONAS BROTHERS WERE BACK and they were rocking my socks off again in a whole NEW and DIFFERENT way! All grown up and VERY good looking and VERY different guys musically!
Click this link to watch the video for Pom Poms
That seemed to be the last match in the book though for these guys as a group. However, thanks to social media, I was able to continue to follow these guys separately. Nick Jonas split off from the guys in his Administration and went solo, releasing hits like "Jealous," that I again could not resist rocking out to! Click here for the video. Nick wasn't my favorite brother but that doesn't mean he isn't HOT :-P

Fast forward to THIS WEEK! I had been seeing that Joe has been DJing in the western United States (L.A., Vegas, etc) and thought that was that until Tuesday (the 15th) when I saw something about this DNCE releasing this "Cake By The Ocean" and I was like "Eh?!" So I clicked on it and I guess Joe is in this new band called DNCE, and this "Cake By The Ocean" is their first single. I was hooked on it immediately, though there is quite a bit of profanity! It's almost refreshing though, because of all the proper lyrics and behaviors these guys started out with! Sure, Nick's album did have a little "Parental Advisory" sticker on it, but his profanity was more subtle! Anyway I'm hooked on "Cake By The Ocean," and you can click this link to listen to it--but be warned about the profanity! :-P Friggin catchy though!!

Fast forward a whole day to YESTERDAY, when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw that Nick has a new single called "Levels." So I of course had to check it out! I saw the video and there are a LOT of ladies wearing very little! No profanity, but lots of hints at sexual messages. I do love the song though! Click this link to watch the video.

It's just weird to be so old that I watched a "boy band" evolve THIS MUCH, and STILL LIKE THEM! Most people sorta just fade away from their favorite boy bands after they dissolve. These guys always kept me hooked, and I think at this point, I'm gonna continue to be hooked until they're doing choreographed dancing with walkers and/or wheelchairs at the senior center :-)
P.S. Aren't they hot?! :-)

*Enjoy your day*