Friday, July 24, 2015

The F**kin' Grumpy Dude

It's been a while since I've posted, but I did observe this unusual quick little tidbit today. I've lived in this neighborhood for 8 1/2 years. There's been this guy that gets on the bus less than a mile from here. Over the years I've seen the guy lose weight and eventually walk without his cane & stuff like that. He always seemed very quiet and NEVER caused problems or said a word on bus rides.

Lots of things annoy me during bus rides but I just say things IN MY HEAD like "Oh yay, here comes the town drunk," or whatever. I have even occasionally rolled my eyes a little or sighed out loud, but kept my thoughts & feelings to myself (as you should when you're in public). So today this guy gets on, he goes to sit down, and I clearly hear him grumble "OH F**K." I thought to myself "Was that HIM?! Quiet dude?! Wow. What a grump!" A few minutes later, we were headed out of Morgan Park, and my friend's sister was waiting for the bus with her husband and their little boys, and they had their stroller. This guy suddenly grumbles "OH F**KIN STROLLER!" and gets up so they can sit there. Again I was just thinking "WHAT THE HECK DUDE?! I don't like strollers either but WHOA! Profane language is not allowed on the bus, and I thought you were a calm quiet guy but DAAAANG..."

Probably the WORST thing I've EVER said out loud on the bus is like "Oh for God's sake..." or something. That guy has developed himself a whole new reputation in my mind now as "The F**kin Grumpy Dude." Good job, guy. Way to make yourself look good :-P

*Enjoy your day*

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