Sunday, June 28, 2015

Being nice gets me nowhere--always has

How would you people like it if you didn't get second and third and billionth chances from me? Not everyone deserves it but they get it anyway because I try to show people respect and be courteous. I'm about ready to quit being so nice. You get one chance now, especially if you've wronged me before (really you should be OUT of chances if you have already wronged but GUESS WHAT--I'M NICE!! Don't take advantage of it!)

I have spent decades talking nicely to landlords and bosses and anyone else who has so called "authority." Other than my boss at my current job, these people have given me the shaft anyway! For decades I have tried to be a good neighbor! I try to be respectful even if it's someone I'VE NEVER MET!! Screw that! What YOU get from ME is what YOU EARN! This is why I'm so nice to some people--they have been FANTASTIC to me! This is also why some people don't get to so much as smell my farts--they're A HOLES! Reap what you sow!! This has been my mentality since I was a kid, and some people have really treated me with a ton of respect all this time, and they are still my close friends!

I PREFER to be nice to people!! I don't like having to launch into Big Red mode! I was raised by a heavily Norwegian family in Northern Minnesota, where I learned to be nice to people and show some damn respect!! I WANT to be nice to you!! I do!! But come on, how can I be nice to you if you keep metaphorically skunk spraying in my face?!


*Enjoy your day*

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