Thursday, June 18, 2015

Shout out to Odd stuff... :-)

Back in 2004, I started learning about Macromedia Flash 5 because I wanted to create my own cartoons. I read Mark Clarkson's book all about it. Mark had some fantastic cartoons, plus he recommended this "Odd Todd" guy's cartoons (The "Laid Off" series). I figured I'd head on over there ( and check it all out. I really liked all the cartoons and the little games and stuff, and I started reading his "What's Happening" stories. Like a blog sorta, sometimes with pictures. I read all of them over the years, and have recently gone back and started re-reading them because it's been 10+ years. He used to be a single guy living in Brooklyn doing what he could (being laid off and all). Recently I've confirmed my many year old theory that I have some type of ADD or ADHD or something, and it's funny reading Odd Todd again and finding that he goes though the same things I do. Having dopey moments. Being forgetful. Fidgeting a lot. General social awkwardness. Reading Odd Todd always made me feel like I wasn't alone. He had struggles with crazies on the streets and on the subways, just as I deal with mall weirdos and bus freaks. He always made me feel like I was hanging around in Brooklyn, seeing and hearing what he heard and saw. Always running around taking pictures and stuff. This prompted me to create my own web site back in 2004 or so. I still maintain it today, as he maintains his. He has since moved to California with his WIFE and they have a daughter, so he's definitely not a single guy living in Brooklyn anymore. He does still update the site (videos of his daughter or his dog and what not), and I do still check that stuff out. Yes I do need to really get rolling on cranking my web site fully back up again, I know that. I do put pretty much all my updates on Facebook, but not everyone is ON Facebook, but they do still wonder what I'm up to. There is still an Odd Todd banner at the bottom of my home page. :-)
*Enjoy your day*

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