Friday, June 26, 2015

Bus-ted out in GNDLand

So I live out in New Duluth, which has its own bus (DTA route #2). 4 times a day they go to Fond du Lac, but otherwise, their last stop is my stop. Pretty much everyone is already off the bus by then unless they live down McCuen Street or are going fishing at Boy Scout Landing or something. Pretty much all the drivers know me and they know that's my stop, so they don't think anything of it when they look in the rear view mirror after Gary Street and see just me sitting there still.

Occasionally, there will either be a super duper drunk person or some totally bewildered lost person still on the bus. Sometimes there are people who straight up fall asleep. Yes I really do live that far out! The driver always calls "Last stop!" if there's anyone on the bus that doesn't seem to "belong" that far out. Some drivers are cool and if you missed your stop or whatever, they will keep you on while they lay over down the road. It's always a little awkward getting on the bus headed back toward downtown and there's already someone there. I secretly think "Bahaha, you missed your stop, doofus!" but I'm always nice and give them a nod or whatever like a "Watcha think of my neighborhood?" type nod.

However, these "GNDLand stragglers" are not always pleasant. Sometimes I'll step off the bus when they get to my stop, walk down the sidewalk, go into my building, go up the stairs, enter my apartment, and sit down by the window, and the bus is STILL sitting there! I pull back the curtain and listen to the conversation (usually a lost person, the driver is explaining to them where to go to get back on the bus to go back downtown or whatever). Sometimes I can hear the driver yelling, and eventually the back door of the bus sorta busts open and some guy tumbles out who's just HAMMERED and can barely walk. He'll sometimes yell at people or whatever, or even walk up to the front door of the bus and keep talking to/yelling at the driver before he drives away.

The problem with the super drunk doofuses are a lot of them will stumble across the street to the bus shelter and expect to be able to get back on the bus 10 minutes later after the layover! Some people are so drunk the driver has to kick them off, and these jokers are thinking they can just get back on the bus! They just got done yelling at the SAME driver and now they're back! The other problem is sometimes they'll stay in my neighborhood and stumble down the sidewalk instead of getting back on the bus and out of my neighborhood. We live just outside "walk's reach" of the bars in the Gary neighborhood, and I'm always thankful about that. I get enough excitement living at "The Last Stop."

*Enjoy your day*

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