Friday, June 12, 2015

Not a shred of sanity left after today. For sure the most stressful day this month at LEAST, if not this past FEW months. I went to St. Luke's Mental Health for my appointment for them to HOPEFULLY figure out how that frickin brick wall got built in my brain and how to get rid of it. I was put through some tests that only served as a harsh reminder that I am worse than I was 10 or even 5 years ago. Then I went to the mall to teach 2 lessons. I was hit in the lip during one. Made it hard for me to play trumpet through tasting blood and what not, and now I have a little gash on my lip. I hope that's not a problem when I need to play the oboe on Sunday & Monday. So I get home and can finally relax and just forget about my day, and then I get a text from Nathan saying his car is broken AGAIN! I can't keep this crap up. I need help now. Our rent went way up, and I just found out yesterday our internet went way up also, and minimum wage doesn't go up until August, so now we're really in a situation. I just had to scream out the window at some jerks too. Now the remote has SUDDENLY gone missing! It was sitting in the window sill a minute ago!! I can't really get to my TV without climbing. Hey life, can we knock this sh*t off now please?? Anyway, if you want to help us out, we would be forever grateful. Thanks!!
*Enjoy your day*

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